Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Living Room Remodel

The living room was one of those rooms that was somewhat awesome, and somewhat a nightmare. The floors were the great part, new hardwood! Bonus. The walls were in bad shape with cheap repairs, and 2 layers of paneling on the south wall. The windows were in bad shape, old and wooden; rotted through in spots. The south wall also had no windows, and there was no ceiling light; so it was cavey dark.

Here's some move in shots:
 This window was the main offender, I had the contractor replace it.

This one is of the south wall, it was actually 2 layers of paneling; the top one painted.
 You can see that even in daytime it felt cavey.

Here's some in progress shots:

Here's the window after the contractor put it in.
 The drywall needed big time cleanup. Whoever painted it didn't use primer, so the paint was coming off the drywall in sheets.
 To blend the painted and textured areas back into the bare drywall areas I had to mud and sand all the edges.
 I handled all the drywall mudding, then textured and primed.
 Lots of trim and casement was needed for this room!

Lastly, the final product:

The light and added window really made a difference!

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