Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Home Sale, Final Thoughts

After 6 years of living and working in the house, it was finished. It was also time to move on.

I'll post the final pics here that I used in the real estate for sale ad.

I learned a ton throughout this process. There were definitely highs and lows mentally, financially, and in several other areas!

The end result with the house is that I was super happy with the results.
 Go back to the move in day post, and compare!
Move In Day!

As you can see, the difference is crazy.

I had many people come through the house, and everyone was awed by the quality and the appeal.

I even had a guy come through that had grown up in the house. He got all choked up seeing what it had become. The only negative feedback I got from people was that there was no A/C, and that it was 'only 3 bedrooms'.

I was crazy happy with the results, but decided it was just too much square footage for me.

The sale didn't go great. I ended up losing about $25K that I put into the renovations over the years, and that doesn't count the 100s (1000s?) of hours I put into the place. That was due to the market being a bit slow when I listed, and me getting impatient to move on. In retrospect, I'd have had that patience; but it all works out. The lessons learned here were invaluable, and have come in handy in my current endeavors of remodeling a different house, and owning/maintaining rental property.

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