Monday, December 29, 2014

Building a Garage

After removing the garden shed, as seen here: Cleaning Up The Property, I decided I needed an extra garage.

The first step was to bust out the old broken up slab.

Then I had a new slab poured there. I saved the original slab from the garden shed. I also had some block put down by a contractor who was going to do some of the work for me.

From there it was time for framing. I had a contractor come out and do the framing, siding, garage door, and building wrap for me.

I did the roof, and the electrics myself. This was to save time really, I usually have too many pokers in the fire.

I later landscaped it myself, since the first winter was a real hassle with melt coming off the roof.

All told, this was a $7,000 project. It took me less than 10 hours to do the parts I did. The contractor originally quoted $9,500 to do everything himself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It was amazing exterior home remodel work! You did a fabulous job, thanks so much for sharing!
