Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Concrete Repouring

Despite the cold snowy weather that we're currently experiencing, I'm going to get back to this blog by posting more exterior work. For this task, I hired a contractor once again, as pouring this much concrete really wasn't something I was comfortable with.
 When I moved in, the concrete sidewalks around the house were wrecked. Thirty some-odd years of weather, plus roof drippings really did a number on them. They were badly pitted, discolored, cracked, had much surface wear, and sloped towards the house in many places. Also, there was the 3' x 8' section by the laundry room door that had sunk about eight inches, and been poured over twice

Now that I had the gutters in place, I decided it was time to get the sidewalks fixed.
I hired Firkus Masonry to do this job. They were in and out in just a few days, and I recommend them.

The steps were straight forward. They busted up and hauled out the old concrete.
After that they set up forms for the new concrete.

Lastly they poured the new sidewalks.
The end result is a huge visual improvement! Plus, they no longer slope towards the house on the North and West sides. It really completed the exterior of the house, making it look much more like a new home.

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