Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Occasional Interruption #1 (Tree Fell Down)

Occasionally things get in the way of the progress. Here's one that held me up for a few days.
During a crazy storm, a rather large tree came down. It took out a second tree when it came down.
I had to buy a new chainsaw to deal with the thing, since I burned out my old one early on the first day of cleaning it up.
I ended up with a large stack of firewood, both pine and oak.
It also worked out rather well, since that tree was blocking much sunlight from hitting the garden.
 To deal with the stump, I ended up digging a hole all the way around it. Then I used the ax, hand ax, and chainsaw to hack it up as much as possible. I ended up just cutting it down so that all of it that remained was about 3 or 4 inches under the dirt line. There is still a significant portion of it buried under there.

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