Saturday, July 21, 2012

Shed Removal, Garden Addition

When I bought this property, there were five outbuildings on it. One was a garage with a dirt floor, and one was a garden shed on a concrete pad; these I will discuss in future posts.

This post is about the other three. There was shed that was about 14'x8', with a 6' high roof. There was a second shed that was slightly smaller in width and depth, and that was less than 4' high. The last one was a dog house, in a dog run enclosure. The first two had dirt floors.
These buildings were a real eye sore in the back corner of the lot.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cleaning the Porch

At some point in history, someone thought it would be a good idea to use construction adhesive to glue exterior grade carpet to the concrete floor of the front porch.

I can't imagine that this ever looked better than the concrete would have on its own. The blue, gray, and black carpet definitely looked out of place after I had the house resided.